Insights from "How to Master PM in both worlds: Startups vs. Large Scale Companies" session by Rishi Bhargava with #Insurjowithtpf"
3 most valuable PM skillsets
1. How to get Product Discovery
Widely focus on problem statement
Uncover the problem of the customer between urgent and important aspects of the pain points
Build as per the persona as possible
Who is the user - Define it correctly
If we have the secondary persona, call it too
- Example: The long and winding road to Electric cars - The problem is widespread: Because Gas is causing problems, environmentally it's expensive. so it's worth solving enough.
2. Feature Prioritization - be it ruthless
Building a feature for one deal is not a big thing, if that customer is the right ICP persona, then it is perfectly fine.
Build small, feedback, and iterate (Repeat mode)
Feature for buyer vs user (think about who you build for this? it depends but be aware of that)
In the long run, the User will drive the brand, Buyer will buy because the users ask them to.
- Example: Slack thread vs Slack Catch up (little feature design can bring major innovation)
3 . Listen and ask the questions
Understand the problem better than the solution - Go deep into the problem/Pain points and check on why it is so important
Ask how they solve without your product ( or What if the product disappears completely from your life?)
Challenge your assumptions and go with a blank slate (Remove the bias)
Learning from large company PM roles:
Pricing and Packaging
Customer Communication (Updates on the product, feature release, etc)
Link feature requests to customer acts and expected revenue
Why PMs Make the Best Future Founders:
Finding clarity of the pain points and find solutions
Context switching
Customer centricity - if you cannot decide, can come back to the customer
I hope from this you too had the piece of insights shared in the session.
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