Insights from "How to Master PM in both worlds: Startups vs. Large Scale Companies" session  by Rishi Bhargava with #Insurjowithtpf"

Insights from "How to Master PM in both worlds: Startups vs. Large Scale Companies" session by Rishi Bhargava with #Insurjowithtpf"


2 min read

3 most valuable PM skillsets

1. How to get Product Discovery

  • Widely focus on problem statement

  • Uncover the problem of the customer between urgent and important aspects of the pain points

  • Build as per the persona as possible

    • Who is the user - Define it correctly

    • If we have the secondary persona, call it too

      • Example: The long and winding road to Electric cars - The problem is widespread: Because Gas is causing problems, environmentally it's expensive. so it's worth solving enough.

2. Feature Prioritization - be it ruthless

  • Building a feature for one deal is not a big thing, if that customer is the right ICP persona, then it is perfectly fine.

  • Build small, feedback, and iterate (Repeat mode)

  • Feature for buyer vs user (think about who you build for this? it depends but be aware of that)

    • In the long run, the User will drive the brand, Buyer will buy because the users ask them to.

      • Example: Slack thread vs Slack Catch up (little feature design can bring major innovation)

3 . Listen and ask the questions

  • Understand the problem better than the solution - Go deep into the problem/Pain points and check on why it is so important

  • Ask how they solve without your product ( or What if the product disappears completely from your life?)

  • Challenge your assumptions and go with a blank slate (Remove the bias)

Learning from large company PM roles:

  • Pricing and Packaging

  • Customer Communication (Updates on the product, feature release, etc)

  • Link feature requests to customer acts and expected revenue

Why PMs Make the Best Future Founders:

  1. Finding clarity of the pain points and find solutions

  2. Context switching

  3. Customer centricity - if you cannot decide, can come back to the customer

I hope from this you too had the piece of insights shared in the session.

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